July 8, 2010

Decision Day

Well, here we are. Decision Day. Finally. Thank God.

I love LeBron James as a basketball player. He's been a treat to watch over the past seven years. As a person and the way he has handled his free agency and looming decision of where he is going to wind up? Not so much.

Basketball wise, an opportunity to play with Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh is attractive, no doubt about that. Both of those guys are MUCH better than anyone on the Cleveland Cavaliers roster. Even with a group of league minimum players surrounding them, Miami (if all of the new 'Big Three' remain healthy) will compete for a championship year after year.

Here in Cleveland, we saw that simply by having LeBron James, the Cavaliers always had at least a shot. So LeBron wants to go win a championship? Fine. No problem with that. Taking less money to accomplish your goal? I respect that, too.

Oftentimes athletes get chastised because "it's all about the money" and not enough about winning. There have been a handful of numbers thrown around about LeBron leaving money on the table if he chooses to leave Cleveland, while others have suggested that because Florida doesn't have an income tax, James wouldn't really be losing all too much in the bank account.

I don't blame him one single bit if he leaves. No anger from me. I just don't respect the way has handled the whole circus. Even if he decides to stay, he has been knocked down a peg or two or 23 in my book after putting everyone through this.

If he stays, and right now that seems like a big 'if,' I'll give a patented Kobe fistpump and then wonder why he didn't say so earlier. Did he really not know? Did he think about leaving home? The only organization he will have hurt is the Cavaliers. The Bulls, Knicks and Nets will still have cap space at their disposal to use down the road, but the Cavs will have their megastar and not much else. If he would've made this decision earlier, maybe Trevor Ariza comes to town?

This whole thing has been nuts. Absolutely nuts. Probably just how LeBron James dreamt it would go. Right now it's looking like a nightmare for Cleveland, but when we wake up tomorrow ... it will all be over and that's the only positive sure to come out of this.

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